Home A Successful Entrepreneur Drupal, a CMS, like no other.

Drupal, a CMS, like no other.

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In most (all?) CMSs, it is possible to create sections in which the content will be placed. Drupal does not have this concept of “topic,” and the CMS will not automatically generate listings of content in a specific tree structure (like the possible views of folders in Plone, for example).

There are many possibilities to simulate the concept of topics with the core of Drupal :

A type of content layout

Historically, the Community Panels module allowed complex pages to be formatted directly from the Drupal administration and was therefore often used as a utility module for “topic” page composition.

Since versions, 8.4 – 8.5 are included in the core Drupal layout management modules.

Always experimental (so their API is subject to possible changes in the future), they can more or less replace the Panels history by allowing a given type of content (for example, “Topic”) to have a fine-tuned layout that can be modified in the Drupal administration interface. To activate it, in the “Manage display” tab of the content type, you must activate the layout management.

The views

Since we’re talking about views. Available in the “Structure” / “Views” menu, “views” are queries made directly on Drupal objects, formatted as you wish. Provided as a base with a display in the form of an HTML list, in the form of consecutive <DIV> or the form of a table (mostly for back-office views), it is possible to propose other displays (maps, slideshows…) by adding additional modules.

The views allow us to make more or less any request, so they allow us to create “section” pages with content by tag, by type of content.


The taxonomy (“Structure” / “Taxonomy” menu) has existed in Drupal since the very beginning of the CMS. It is a generic way of categorizing content (i.e., mainly by associating tags to it, but much more can be done).

This system makes it possible to have a kind of heading since any taxonomy term created will, in turn, generate a page (of URL /taxonomy/term/[ID], modifiable by Drupal’s alias system (URL rewriting)) listing the contents associated with the taxonomy term (the tag).

Modules from the community: Views Menu Node Children Filter

But all this is only possible if the contents we are trying to display follow a particular rule: the same type of content, the same taxonomy term (= tag), or any other generic rule.

There is one last possibility: if we want to display the contents that are present in our tree structure, as “daughter pages” of the current topic, there is a community module that does exactly that: VIews Menu Node Children Filter.

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