Home A Successful Entrepreneur 8 good reasons to choose Drupal 8

8 good reasons to choose Drupal 8

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Drupal 8 is now available in a stable version since last November. 2015 promises to be a decisive year for the entire Drupal community with this new version. To better understand this change with the arrival of this new version, you will find in this article a summary of the 8 good reasons why Drupal 8 looks very promising for the realization of your digital projects, by offering a complete user experience.

Drupal 8 better integrates the expectations of its users

The combination of Drupal 8’s many user benefits – more user-friendly content creation, multilingual support, and a more fluid interface – makes it easier than ever to build sites with Drupal. The improvements in its back-office also make it more attractive to novice developers. All this should allow the construction of more advanced sites at more competitive costs than with the previous version.

Drupal 8 improves multilingual management

Drupal 8 version provides a significant improvement in multilingual management, making it easier to internationalize your sites. Improvements have been made in language management, label translation, and configuration customization.

Drupal 8 makes it easy to create content

Drupal 8 natively integrates a WYSIWYG editor into its core, making it more user-friendly and facilitating the process of creating and formatting content. The customization of content is improved by using drag and drop buttons, for example, for images. The editor toolbar is also customizable, allowing content authors to add or remove edit buttons based on what they use most.

Drupal 8 remains different from WordPress

Although being the most sophisticated CMS on the market in recent years, Drupal has never been able to compete with WordPress in terms of the number of sites. Indeed, less evolved, WordPress is intended for a wider audience and draws its main strength from its simplicity of use and handling to implement a website.

As presented above, Drupal 8 includes new features that should reduce the learning curve for developers, such as Symfony2 and Twig, and should allow the number of Drupal developers to grow, without sacrificing its core capabilities, but will remain a powerful tool for an informed audience.

Drupal 8 is based on the Symfony2 framework

Drupal 8 standardizes the way it was designed by moving towards object-oriented programming, using Symfony, a prevalent PHP framework with a huge community. Thanks to him, Drupal inherits a variety of standard components used by Symfony, making it easier to learn and use for new developers who want to learn Drupal and start developing modules in a minimum of time.

Drupal 8 uses Twig

Drupal 8 now includes the use of Twig, an agile and secure PHP template engine. Twig provides a greater separation between the business part and display management. Like Symfony2, Twig makes it easier for new Front-end developers to learn Drupal by adopting a more familiar syntax.

Drupal 8 adopts the Mobile First approach

Unlike the previous version, Drupal 8 natively manages mobility issues. The administration themes are responsive, making administration easier on a mobile device.

Drupal 8 improves configuration management

Small revolution: Drupal 8 now uses a configuration management system based on the file system (and not in the database), which significantly facilitates the deployment of new configurations to another environment (creation of new types of content, fields, views, taxonomies…). This significant evolution improves the use of version managers like Git, by allowing the configuration to be versioned, which is now well separated from the production content stored in the database.

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